Furthermore it is possible to minimize incrustation problem with using high quality bentonite.
- Bentonite which will be used in this sector has;
- Liquid limit value min. 200
- Wet compressive strenght min 1800g/cm2
- Wet drawing strength min. 25 g/cm2
- Swelling index min. 15g/cm2
- The ratio of lime max. 1,2%
The most important characteristic of our bentonite product, which is especially developed for foundry use, is that its crystal structure deteriorates less than Ca-based Bentonite and the decrease in its bonding characteristic is limited in high temperature loadings or when it is subjected to high melting temperatures. By means of this high thermal strength, the production on molding lines can be preserved by adding less bentonite and sand. By this means, production errors originating from humidity can be prevented as a result of significant decrease in humidity rate. In addition to these, the costs decrease because less waste is released to environment due to low use.
Features & BenefIts:
- Decrease in casting defects originating from sand
- High Swelling volume
- Wide moisture tolerance
- High wet tensile strength
- High Liquid Limit
- Preventing aggregation on the molding line
- Reaching desired compressibility values with less amount of water
- Thermal stabilization at high temperatures
- Lower Bentonite consumption
- High quality casting manufacture
- Operational cost savings
- Environmental friendly